Monday, May 2, 2011

Last resort

I'm tired of reading about this stuff.  On the homepage of the Montreal Gazette the heading reads, "Two Children Burned to Death in Car Near Drummondville." There aren't many details except for the fact that the two children were very young and that the father was in the middle of a divorce.  This article comes right on the heels of the news we've all been hearing about that doctor who stabbed his two children to death in their own beds for the same reason.

Children are not property that can be used as a means of leverage in the disintegration of a marriage/relationship.  They cannot be used, abused and thrown away in order to hurt the other spouse.  I'm both livid and heartbroken as I write this.  It is completely unfair that children should suffer like that....that anyone should suffer like that. 

I am just putting this out there right now.  If anyone ever feels all crazy like and can't handle their kids for some reason or another.  Please, drop them off at my door and I'll gladly take them for you.  I don't want to argue about the mental illnesses that these people may suffer from, and I don't want to think about how much I want to strap the person who did this to these kids in a van and set him/her on fire.  What I want, is for the world to change.


  1. Ashley, this hits home. It needs to get fixed. It needs to be prevented.

  2. I agree. It's too bad the idea of creating a system to determine if someone is mentally fit to have children is ultimately flawed.
