Friday, March 25, 2011

The Universe is a silly place.

Because the universe has a funny way of giving us exactly what we need, he/she stepped up to the plate only moments after I had posted my first entry.  After signing that last fateful phrase "keep posted for the first episode of The Silly Switch," I walked away from the computer thinking that I might have made a mistake putting myself out there like that.  How was I going to find enough material to write an entire blog about, let alone regularly?  Then, the Universe stepped in.

As usual, after lunch, I dust busted, and wiped, and changed clothes and did the dishes.  I decided that since my husband had been drafted to work today and our plans had been shot out the window, I'd at the very least, take the kids for a nice walk in the brisk, cold March air.  Now for those of you who have children, you can vouch for me that this is not as easy or simple as it all seems.  Before you can even contemplate getting out of the house, someone has inevitably pooped.  Someone wants water, and someone can't find their gloves.  After all the regular preparatory moves, I realized that I had left Hunter's snowpants and gloves in a bag in the car.  Leaving both my kids, safe and sound, sitting on a nice fluffy carpet in the living room, surrounded by toys, and hypnotized by Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, I CREPT out of the room and slipped out the door to retrieve the bag. 

Here's where the story gets interesting.  There I am, no coat, my husband's oversized shoes and fly away hair leaning innocently into the back of the car.  Not a care in the world.  Until I try get in the house. 

Let's pause for a moment here.  We don't give kids enough credit.  Especially toddlers.  They are extremely resourceful and intelligent.  Those crafty little buggers will do everything in their power to see you squirm, and squirm I did.

Back to the door.  There I am, no coat, husband's oversized shoes, and I'm staring down at my two year old's face as he smiles and says.  "I locked you out, Mommy."  Panic.  What do I do?  I can see Parker, just sitting there, wondering why I'm outside, and he's inside, and why Hunter's laughing hysterically.  "Hunter, did you lock the door!?" I try not to yell, since I think it's not going to look good to the neighbors if I'm screaming in a panic standing outside the house like this.  "Open the door!  Unlock the door, Hunter!"  He stands there, blank faced, "I don't know how Mommy."  Now my mind's starting to race and I'm on the verge of tears. Who can I go to that could possibly help me out in this situation?  I pat my jean pockets.  Damn, no cell.  Why can't I be a man, carrying my whole life in my pockets?  Finally, I hear a click, and the doorknob turns.  I practically leap into the house.  "Hunter, NEVER, EVER lock the door when someone is outside!  Do you understand!  It's dangerous!  I could have been locked out there forever!" (I'm a tad dramatic....)

The funny thing here is, this incident is 100% my fault.  I'm the adult, I should have known better. Instead of getting angry, I tried to find the bright side in all of this.  First, I'm in the house, and we're all ok.  Second, he can lock and unlock the door.  That's a valid, and needed skill.  Third, I learned never, ever to trust a toddler.

1 comment:

  1. Wow....This so could have been me...I can't even count the times I've run outside Wearing No Coat and Calvin's over sized shoes to grab something quick all the while leaving my children in a "safe" Place....I completely relate and I'm so glad it was you and not me cause I probably would have panicked and started crying and the neighbors would have thought I was crazy! Thanks for sharing ;)
