Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Call me a cow


First of all, read this article.

I regularly breastfeed in public.
I have fought through massive amounts of pain and discomfort to be able to provide my child with optimal nourishment.
I find comfort in the closeness I get while breastfeeding.
I would gladly participate in a nurse-in to support public breastfeeding. 
I made a choice to have children.  I chose to breastfeed and I was never used as a tool for anything.
If I ever feel used in any way, it is for me to feel, and not for others to assume. 
I am not less intelligent because I have children, and I should not be perceived as such. 
Any career choices I make based on my life outside work as a mother should not influence people about my level of competence.  I may appear more compassionate but I am not less capable.
I don't need to be sexualized in order to appear successful.

Does this sound like the thoughts of someone who lacks self esteem?

I'm the only one NOT eating in this picture!

PS.  The word breastfeeding in this blog is equally interchangeable with the words formula feeding.  I am not trying to sound like I'm discriminating against women who choose not to breastfeed.  I am merely responding to this article as it applies to my situation.

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