Friday, March 25, 2011

So, I've Taken The Plunge...

Well, folks, I've done it.  After years of facebook statuses that seem to entertain even the childless, I've decided to finally start a blog about my parenting adventures.  For a long time I stayed away from the idea thinking that anything that goes on in this house, must inevitably go on in other homes and therefore wouldn't be of any interest to my other Mom friends. 

Now, onto my second child, I realize that it is such an insolating event to have a child, whether you want to admit it or not, and we NEED to have parenting outlets that aren't the faceless anecdotes of googled late night questions.

Like other moms, I want to simultaneously shout from the rooftops all of the incredible things my sons have done.  I also feel the guilt sometimes.  Like the other day, when I prepared a super, duper healthy meal for my toddler and he decided to eat saltines with butter on them instead.  Despite every effort to get him to eat normal food, he persisted and I relented.  In the end, he went to bed with a belly full of crackers, and I slept well knowing he was happy.  The killer part of that tiny little story, is that I felt GUILTY for having let him eat so poorly, while at once feeling proud that I had let him be autonomous. 

Mom-dom is cruel, judging and extremely difficult to navigate, but with a little help and some comical confessions along the way, we might just learn to support eachother, rather than tick the notches of childhood milestones off our kids crib rails.

I intend this blog to be just that.  Simple stories recounting the madness that is my home, filled to the brim with boys and one, lone(ly sometimes) Mama.  The Silly Switch is just that, the day you gave birth to your first child, and nothing was ever the same.  The day poop accidents became endearing and made you feel needed.  Now how's THAT for silly!

Keep posted for the first episode of The Silly Switch. 


  1. Wow Ashley! Good job! I love to read your Facebook posts and even though I do not have a child yet, I will definitely read your blog...because you're funny :)

  2. Awesome lady! I can't wait to read about your adventures. Great background too, so cute! :)

  3. You did it...Love your blog...I too have enjoyed all your loving comments about your boys on Facebook...Your comments bring back great memories from when my boys were babies too. All Moms will enjoy & appreciate your family stories.
