Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Can I have a treat mommy?

I've been thinking a lot about food lately. I don't eat very much junk food, and frankly, I don't buy it.  There is never any pop in my house, cookies or cheeze whiz.  When we want something sweet I make something from scratch, yes even pudding, or we have some chocolate.  However, somehow (read, my husband...), junk food sneak attacks my family!

I am proud of myself for cultivating these little boys who eat goat cheese, avocados and balsamic vinegar.  Hunter eats hummus and baba gannouj by the spoonful, and I almost never say the words "oh, no, he wont eat that."  Parker is well on his way to adopting the same eating habits and just recently had deconstructed greek chicken pitas, washed in oregano and garlic, and licked his plate clean of the tzaziki sauce.  Even after all this though, it never fails to amaze me how often kids will pick "junk" over healthy food.

 For example, I never used to buy kraft dinner.  I find it expensive and the fluo yellow colour kind of scares me.  I buy it now only because I need to have quick, easy food on hand in case Pete is watching the kids and has to feed them.  (I know, I know, but don't make me have that conversation.  I can't make a lepard change its spots...).  Anyways, when I buy this stuff (chicken nuggets, etc) I try to hide them, because I just know that if Hunter sees them, the battle will be lost and I'll be cutting open that package of radioactive cheese powder in no time.  Here's the kicker though, giving in to him makes me feel like I've failed, like I've lost this epic battle with a toddler and I've just helped shave a few years off his life.  But this is totally ridiculous.

How many times do we need to beat ourselves up in a day?  Why is it that no one tells you that you're going to feel guilty about all kinds of needless things when you become a mom?  I ate raw cookie dough and zoodles as a child ALL THE TIME, and my palette isn't messed up.  I'm not obese and I haven't perpetuated those eating habits into adulthood.

Strictly speaking about myself, I like to eat anything I want, in moderation of course, and I choose to continue this approach with my children.  I may not BUY chips, but if we're at a party, why can't my kid have some?  I'm also notorious for giving newborns ice cream before they've ever even had pablum, and my kids are ok.  So, from this moment on, I'm ditching the guilt, opening up a pint of cookie dough ice cream, and I'm going to dig in with my kids and teach them the concept of treating oneself!

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