Saturday, September 27, 2014

Ten Things My Children Did To Me

THIS is what my children do to me: 

1.  Hold Me Accountable
It is not only what I say, but what I do, that helps avoid my kids from dropping random F bombs at school or birthday parties.

2. They Mellow Me Out
The more kids I add to my mix, the less I flinch when one falls.  Dealing with a toddler, a panicking five year old and four year old that needs stitches and a trip to the emergency room all at once?  Call me, I've been there.

3. Preemptive Thinking
See a bathroom?  I'd better use that, just in case I have to sneeze later.

4.  Selflessness
Despite what someone told me the other day about how bringing kids into the world = selfishness, I really have to say that my children regularly teach me to give up the following things:
     a. Sleeping in
     b. My pre-baby body
     c. Bladder control (see preemptive thinking)
     d. My ability work, let alone work and keep all of my money to spend recklessly on myself.
     e. Fingerprint / dent free walls.
     f. Keeping a clean house longer than twenty seconds (literally, try to clean with a toddler)
     g. List making skills (someone just fell, hang on, I'll get this...

....Yeah, that list could go on forever.  Don't worry, it was a Minecraft related argument. No need to take the toddler, the "panicker" or the four year old to emergency room today!)

See, I'm the least selfish person in the world.  I'm not really sure what I've got left for me, really?  Wait, I've got 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10!

5. Travelling As a Couple 
Who wants to travel alone and enjoy five star resorts or restaurants, wake up at noon and visit the wineries of the Okanogan Valley?  Not me!  I'm going  to wake up at the crack of dawn, carry a diaper bag, go on train rides and to the play park at McDs!  Pfft, Snobs.

6.  Financial Planning
I've got so much money saved for my kids to go to school, I could theoretically be the first one to vacation to Mars.  But I'm not selfish like that.

7. Food
I've never had such a well stocked fridge before!  Granola bar, goldfish casserole anyone? Also, missing that pre-baby body?  Hubby likes the extra "smoosh" so eat those leftover McNuggets!

8. My Mini Van
I see you checking me out when I roll up in my smokin' VW mini van!  I can be the designated driver and drive seven of us to the Pottery Barn!

9. Cheese
Who doesn't like cheese?  Every meal I make is now smothered in some kind of cheese.  Kids LOVE cheese smothered stuff.

10. Love
What's not to love about being loved unconditionally by the people you love unconditionally?  Enough said.