Thursday, November 27, 2014

What Did You Do Today?

Absolutely nothing of any real interest happened in my life today.  Nor did anything of any real significance happen yesterday.  With the odd exception of days here or there that hold a little excitement or deviance from the norm, absolutely none of my days jump from the pages of my life.  Well, at least at first glance they don’t.

Oh, I mean, yeah, sure, I got married.  That one was a biggie.  I had my first baby, and that one was a doozy, then two, then three, then…..snip!  That was a good day too!  But really, how am I supposed to find meaning in the humdrum and inertia of diaper changes and trips to preschool?

Sometimes I sit down in the middle of the day, when there’s a lull in whatever menial task I’m preforming, and ponder what I MIGHT have been.  I mean, I did alright in school, went to a top notch University, and then started my career as a high school English teacher at the tender age of twenty-two so I could change the world before I was forty.  Life has a funny way of working out though, and before I knew it, I was married (to the man of my dreams, forever then and now, I might add), had a mortgage and a baby.  From that moment on, everything I have done has been not for the good of me, but for the good of my family.  I’ve sacrificed sleep, and beauty and relationships and jobs and a good part of who I was, to nurture the lives I chose to bring into the world. 

It’s funny, because those words are so easy to say, and yet so difficult to do sometimes.

I don’t want to get up in the middle of the night because someone wet the bed. But I do it.

I don’t want to leave the house forty times a day schlepping this kid here, and that kid there while dragging a toddler. But I do it.

I don’t want to wash endless piles of laundry that miraculously reappear after only a day. But I do it.

Most of all, I don’t want to just throw on the most unflattering and unattractive outfit I own every morning just because anything else would be covered in sticky handprints or drool by the end of the day. But I do it.

I do it because these extremely uneventful moments in my life, are huge, momentous moments in the lives of my children.  When a child, for whatever reason, needs you at 4 am, your reaction to their need will shape how confident they are in your love for them, in your desire to provide for them.  How you show them love and patience, teaches them love and patience, and that is a big thing.

A child’s education, and your support of it, helps to mould their minds and to free them to think critically about the world around them.  The baby you drag everywhere on your hip, he’s learning to be flexible and adventurous, and that is worth talking about.

That laundry, well, laundry always sucks, but at least your kids aren’t smelly (well, they are all a little smelly)!

Last but not least, that outfit!  That outfit is your most powerful tool. That blasted outfit, you know the one, the dingy sweater over piling tights and your husband’s socks.  Yeah, that one…

That outfit allows you to get down on the floor and play.  It allows you to let your little ones come up and press their dirty cheeks to your thigh as you prepare their lunch.  That outfit makes you real, and touchable, and warm.  It smells of you, and is soft from wear.  Just like you, and that is unique.   

So, in the spirit of new found introspection, ask yourself, “what did you do today? Who have you become?” The answer to these questions doesn’t lie in your wardrobe, or your degree.  The answer to these questions lie in the hearts of those you’ve helped shape.

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Ten Things My Children Did To Me

THIS is what my children do to me: 

1.  Hold Me Accountable
It is not only what I say, but what I do, that helps avoid my kids from dropping random F bombs at school or birthday parties.

2. They Mellow Me Out
The more kids I add to my mix, the less I flinch when one falls.  Dealing with a toddler, a panicking five year old and four year old that needs stitches and a trip to the emergency room all at once?  Call me, I've been there.

3. Preemptive Thinking
See a bathroom?  I'd better use that, just in case I have to sneeze later.

4.  Selflessness
Despite what someone told me the other day about how bringing kids into the world = selfishness, I really have to say that my children regularly teach me to give up the following things:
     a. Sleeping in
     b. My pre-baby body
     c. Bladder control (see preemptive thinking)
     d. My ability work, let alone work and keep all of my money to spend recklessly on myself.
     e. Fingerprint / dent free walls.
     f. Keeping a clean house longer than twenty seconds (literally, try to clean with a toddler)
     g. List making skills (someone just fell, hang on, I'll get this...

....Yeah, that list could go on forever.  Don't worry, it was a Minecraft related argument. No need to take the toddler, the "panicker" or the four year old to emergency room today!)

See, I'm the least selfish person in the world.  I'm not really sure what I've got left for me, really?  Wait, I've got 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10!

5. Travelling As a Couple 
Who wants to travel alone and enjoy five star resorts or restaurants, wake up at noon and visit the wineries of the Okanogan Valley?  Not me!  I'm going  to wake up at the crack of dawn, carry a diaper bag, go on train rides and to the play park at McDs!  Pfft, Snobs.

6.  Financial Planning
I've got so much money saved for my kids to go to school, I could theoretically be the first one to vacation to Mars.  But I'm not selfish like that.

7. Food
I've never had such a well stocked fridge before!  Granola bar, goldfish casserole anyone? Also, missing that pre-baby body?  Hubby likes the extra "smoosh" so eat those leftover McNuggets!

8. My Mini Van
I see you checking me out when I roll up in my smokin' VW mini van!  I can be the designated driver and drive seven of us to the Pottery Barn!

9. Cheese
Who doesn't like cheese?  Every meal I make is now smothered in some kind of cheese.  Kids LOVE cheese smothered stuff.

10. Love
What's not to love about being loved unconditionally by the people you love unconditionally?  Enough said.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Welcome To Alberta

I know, I know, it's been a LONG while since I last posted, but in all honesty, I've been quite busy in the past year or so...

As some of you may know, since my last blog post, I've had a new little baby boy (that makes THREE!) and moved to a completely new province.  My husband's company was transferred from Quebec to Alberta and so we made the leap and moved the whole family across the country to our new home out West.  Quelle difference!

We'll be the first to admit that we were mildly terrified to make the leap but living here has turned out to be the best decision we've ever made.  The people here are so friendly that we've made some of the greatest friends, our neighborhood is to die for and we couldn't imagine being anywhere else at this point in our lives. Having said that, there are still quite a few differences that need some getting used to.  Here are a few we've noticed so far:

1. Friendly: The people here are so friendly that I was actually uncomfortable for a few months after moving here.  I honestly didn't know people could be so genuinely concerned or happy for you without wanting something in return (or because they weren't belligerently drunk...).

2. Pace: People here just move slower.  You can't go anywhere if you're in a hurry because what would be a ten minute run to Walmart in Quebec turns into an hour long stroll in the express line here.

3. Beer: Damn, these people like to drink beer, and it's not cheap either.  A 24 of Corona is going to cost you, on average, close to $50! Also, it's not easy to get good wine here.

4. Cowboy hats and boots: No, it's not Halloween, these guys actually OWN this stuff and wear it to wait in the slow lines at Walmart!  Plus side, sexy cowboys/cowgirls EVERYWHERE.

5. Trucks: BIG. HONKIN'. TRUCKS. That they leave running when they go into the dep.  Gas is cheaper here, after all....

6.  Money: Everything here is either a little or a LOT more expensive, but it doesn't matter, because this is the Dubai of Canada.

7. Daycare: In Quebec, we have $7 dollar a day daycare, which is so regulated by the government that no one feels the need to send their kids to pre-school. Here, it would cost me $850 a child to send them to a home daycare provider, who would have no materials sent to them by the government.  It's all good though, because chances are, if you're part of a two parent household, you don't need daycare because you probably don't REALLY need to work.  Unless you want your annual two-week trip to Mexico or Disney, which, let's face it, we all want.

8.French: There are a lot of Quebecois here.  You just don't know because they were the ones who could speak English well enough to move out of Quebec and now make a mint working in the oil industry.  I see them though, and now we all basically wave at each other like bikers.

9. Food: There is some serious lack of ethnic food out here.  Even if they have it, it sucks.  I want some Cannoli or some good Jerk Chicken!!!

10. City: Calgary does not, and could never compare to Montreal.  I really think that growing up in such a diverse, electrifying place has shaped the person I am today.  I miss Montreal's little cafes, shops and restos and I think I always will.  BUT Calgary makes up for what it lacks in culture in good old fashioned manners.

Stay tuned for more Calgary updates.  I'm sure the universe has a lot planned for us!
