Monday, December 17, 2012


I cry for children I don't know
I cry at dawn when the news breaks
that a little boy was disfigured
So that he may be forced to beg in India

I cry for children I don't know
in the dewy hours of the day
for ten, young Afghan girls
Who died collecting firewood

I cry for children I don't know
for Olivier and Anne-Sophie
who felt the fatal stab
of the man they called "papa"

I cry for children I don't know
who walk to school alone
Only to have their ears cut off
by a shadow waiting at the door

I cry for children I don't know
for the little white coffins
of twenty

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Quote of the Day

What we see depends mainly on what we look for.
                                                               -John Lubbock
I was complaining this week, about silly, trivial things, and this wonderful, honest woman I work with told me I had "Hollywood Problems."  She's right.  The world can be a scary, sad, lonely place, and I have nothing to complain about.
Yesterday, I took my kids with me to donate some non-perishable food.  On the way home, my son asked me why I had given away our food.  I explained to him, as best as I could to a four year old, that there are some people out there who don't have enough money to buy as much food as we do.  Since we are so blessed, and have more than we need, we gave some of our food to them, so they wouldn't have empty bellies.  He smiled, and said he felt proud of having done that.  I was proud of his insight.
Look at your life and pick out the positive.  Don't dwell on the negative.