Friday, August 5, 2011

An Open Letter to Clinique Belle Rive...

Dear patients/nurses/doctors at Clinique Belle Rive,

I would like to take this opportunity to apologize for the insanity that was my children this morning at Parker's annual check-up.  It is not like my children to be such devils...oh who am I kidding, it is, but let me explain.  First, I am aware that bringing two toddlers to the clinic is madness.  I am also aware that the madness was compounded by the fact that Parker was to receive his one year vaccinations.  But, in my defense, how could I have known that Hunter would try to win the "screaming competition" that Parker started when the first needle broke his skin?  How could I have anticipated Hunter's ascent onto the examination table only to scream that he was "falling!falling!" while the doctor and I had our hands full with Parker?  I don't normally entertain the thought of adoption, but I must say, it did cross my mind when Hunter hit me in the leg while screaming after being given the wrong Disney face mask.  I would also like to apologize to all of the separate doctors in the clinic for having to lock their doors after my kids systematically opened all of them while I tried to get to them.  I am, after all, only one person, and they formed a team and split the debauchery between them and went in different directions. 


Anxiety attack-ed.